Polish producer of foliar fertilisers
Polish producer of foliar fertilisers

Why composition matters

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Why composition matters

DR GREEN foliar fertilizers owe their high effectiveness and bioavailability primarily to the innovative MicroActive™ and Macroactive™ activating formulas contained in micro- and macro-nutrient fertilizers. Comprehensively selected nutritional compounds, as well as amino acids, vitamins and organic compounds (including glycine) present in both formulas, after foliar application, transform the microelements contained in the fertilizer into forms effectively absorbed and assimilated by plants. Additionally, they regulate the transformation and uptake of nitrogen along with other essential nutritional elements from the soil, making the most of its abundance, and support the course of key metabolic, growth and development processes during the entire growing season of crops:

  • “in the initial stages of growth, they support the processes of proper development of the root system – they intensify rooting,
  • increase the degree of utilization of nutrients found in the soil naturally and supplied to it with soil fertilizers,
  • intensify the flowering processes,
  • improve the biological value of crops,
  • support the regeneration of those damaged due to mechanical effects, or as a result of plant tissue diseases,
  • they increase the resistance of plants in stressful situations such as drought, excess water, low temperatures, or attacks of pathogens and pests,
  • they contribute to the increase in the accumulation of photosynthetic pigments, i.e. chlorophyll and carotenoids, which translates directly into better color leaves and, consequently, a significant increase in photosynthetic efficiency.

Ponadto nawozy DR GREEN dzięki zawartemu w składzie stabilizatorowi pH ograniczają odczyn cieczy roboczej do poziomu pH około 4,3, co jest niezwykle istotne przy stosowaniu nawozów łącznie ze Środkami Ochrony Roślin.

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