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Mechanism of action of foliar fertilizers
Foliar fertilization is the most effective form of providing the plant with nutrients in the form of microelements - under optimal conditions, it absorbs almost 90% of the applied ingredient.
It is worth remembering that foliar fertilization is a kind of pillar of soil fertilization. To obtain the best effect, combine the use of fertilizers from both groups. Nutrient applied foliarly is easily taken up by the plant, which immediately increases its concentration in vacuolar juices. As a result, the plant strives to equalize the water potential (Ψw) between the inside of the cell, where Ψw is lower, and the rest of the organism, where Ψw is higher. The plant's natural way to solve this problem is to dilute its cell juices with water taken from the soil by the root. With increased transpiration, the plant absorbs not only water at a given time, but also nutrients contained in the root zone, thanks to which it can better use soil resources and generate a more efficient crop.
Read moreWhy Composition Matters!
DR GREEN multi-component fertilizers
The innovative Microactive™ and Macroactive™ activation formulas we have developed, which are part of the DR GREEN foliar fertilizers, contain a set of organic compounds necessary for cultivation (including glycine), amino acids and vitamins, which, when applied in the leaves, transform the microelements contained in the fertilizer into effectively absorbable forms and assimilable by plants, as well as regulating the transformation and uptake of nitrogen along with other essential nutrients from the soil, maximizing the use of its resources.
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A revolution in seed treatment
First of all, PRIME!
- The root system is 48% longer already on the 4th day after sowing.
- Greater energy and germination capacity.
- Synergy with plant protection products.